
Spas Creative Designer in HONG KONG

For a better understanding of the full process, we explain it in the different steps below

STEP1 : Draft and technical drawing

At the beginning of the project, its necessary to start by drafts to exchange some ideas between us and our client. Step by step, we will define the exact idea of the product that we will create.

Then, we will make technical drawing to make everything clear. Also we will organise the different part of the products. We submit this technical drawing to our client until successful.


STEP2 : 3D Molding

The second step is the 3D molding. It's very important to make a 3D draft of the spa mold to have a real view of the product. We will use all measures and start to make the 3D molding. 


STEP3 : Making plaster shape

When all 3D molding is ready , it's time now to start an operational job at the factory : Making the paster shape 

It 's a sculpture of the product depending the measures and shape that we defined before with the 3D software.


STEP4 : Get the final mold, Choose parts, Customization and Branding

When the paster shape is finished, we can get the transfer mold then the main mold ( in red ). That mold will be used to thermoform an acrylic sheet to obtain the acrylic shell of the spa. This shell will be reinforced by resine and fiberglass to finally get a strong shell ready.

Many things have to be prepared  : the frame structure, to choose the skirt style, to define all parts , choose your control systems, to define the solution for your serial number, ...

At the end, we will discuss with you and see how to apply your brand name.


STEP5 : Your sample is READY 

Spas et spas de nage
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